Our product
For several years we have been supplying halls and tents made of steel, aluminium or both. Importantly, the entire process is carried out comprehensively – from the first talk with customers and recognition of their expectations, up to assembly and post-warranty service.
A unique approach to construction
We clearly distinguish halls and tents. These are completely different product categories for us. Tents are economical and quick to assemble, but they are temporary due to their construction and lower durability. In turn, the halls are a solution for years, are year-round, designed and calculated for full snow and wind loads, adapted to the location, specific needs and many other factors.
The key issue for selection of the tent hall manufacturer is to check the snow and wind parameters in force in the area where the hall is to be placed. Only then we start the search for the hall's manufacturer.
All offers such as "All year round hall" with a small note in the case of snowfall – remove snow, heat or dismantle, indicate that such offer does not meet these parameters and should be excluded.
Objects for years (year-round) – calculated and designed for full snow and wind loads, according to EUROCODE.
Seasonal facilities. Fast, mobile and economical solutions.
Tent halls are a cheaper and more mobile alternative to traditional construction. These are all-year-round facilities, and their spectrum of applications is virtually unlimited.